
Happy Father's Day...

Happy Father's day to this man…


This man that is my handsome husband that I’m head over heels in love with.

This man that is an amazing father to our two precious babies.  


I love seeing him with our baby girl, he is so very gentle with her.  She is a daddy's girl, and he wouldn't have it any other way.  But, I'm sure later in life she will use that to her advantage to get what she wants with those big brown eyes of hers.  

These two are partners in crime and like to aggravate mama, from time to time.  But besides aggravating mama, daddy is teaching the little man about life.  Whether it is them watching or playing sports together, fixing something in the house, vacuuming the house or mowing the yard, he is always letting the little man help out.  

As it’s not always easy being a parent, my husband has truly shown me another side that I had never seen before we had kids.  But, I’m sure he might would say the same about me.  My husband is the one that tends to the house and makes sure our kiddos are taken care every day.  He makes them laugh, he's there for them when they cry, and he shows them love in everything he does.

Happy Father’s Day honey!  Thank you for being so patient (most of the time), caring and loving!  We love you and thank you for everything you do, each and every day! I couldn’t ask for a better partner in life or a better father for our babies!

xoxo, Shanna

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